Before we find out what apps and services there are in Office 365 E3 plans we need to have a bit of a refresher on what is Office 365 and how it can work for you.
Office 365 is a combination of effective online tools, cloud services, and also business productivity apps.
This mixture of the services and apps that make Office 365 unique, rewarding and cost-effective for many businesses that are looking to improve in-house technology.
If you further explore the apps and services that are available for you in the Office 365 Business Plans, but more specifically the Office 365 E3 Plan, you will see that there is real value for you and your business and it’s simpler to take that next step with Greendata by your side than you may think.
Have a read of the below and get in touch if there is anything you don’t understand or would like to explore in more detail with us.